To my 17 year old self…

Prompted by the snippets of song, I threw a question out to my Twitter and Facebook friends.  “If you could write a letter to yourself at 17, what would you say?”  Their answers were so insightful, funny, touching and real that I just had to share them with you and with the young people in my life.

Dear Me, This is you in the future. only advice i can give you, LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS!! YOU DONT KNOW SHIT YET! love older me.  – James

Party even more! – Sue

Get over the Bad Boy infatuation FASTER! – Hillary

You are a way bigger deal than you give yourself credit for. Also: take voice lessons. – Peter

Dump her. – Steve

Buy Apple & don’t throw out all of those old comic books… – Craig & Jeff

Don’t let people stop you from going after you dreams! Even if it is “the one you love” – Laura

GO TO COLLEGE!!!!! – Celeste

Save as much money as you are bringing in and never spend more than you have. Go to every class in college. No half assing it!!! – Rachel

Only listen to advice from true mentors. If dont have one, find one. – Greg

When you move to Austin in 8 years, buy stock in Dell Computer  – Thom

   This person UR madly in love w/right now…there will be at least 20 more just       like him/her in your life…follow YOUR dreams – Traci

After all is said and done, your true friends will always reveal themselves. – Liz

Trust your instincts. They’re better than you think. – Mindy

Experience everything fully… the good and the painful. It will make you a          resilient, strong person. – Lori

Always do what you love… – Carla

Pay more attention to detail in the entrepreneurial class you’ll one day take. –      Mike

Let life teach you through your experiences and network. The more you do, the more you get. – Caleb

Find a good therapist, NOW. – Jamie

Throw caution to the wind.. discover your passion & immerse yourself in that.. embrace the joys of living & dismiss the haters – Steve

Love fully.  Laugh often. Do not be afraid to cry. Smile at strangers. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, but always learn from them.  Never let the ones you love doubt how you feel about them. Understand and accept that life is going to take you through detours and roadblocks, but the only thing that matters is enjoying & learning from the journey.  Live a life of integrity.  No regrets.  Let compassion, tolerance and determination be your guiding principles.  Find your passion and hold onto it through everything.  Love Yourself.  – Me …


  1. Was the song by chance “Letter to Me” by Brad Paisley? If not, listen to it. It’s very much similar – about if he could tell his young self what to do, what he’d get through that he thought at the time he never would, etc. Very good song.


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