Why Should We Listen To You?

You know that comment that really gets under your skin. That one that someone makes privately because they are just “that person”. The one you know you should ignore, yet what they say keeps playing in your head. I had one of those comments in response to my recent post sharing the video of my talk “Want To Increase The Number of Women in Tech, It is Time To Start Bragging“. This title sums up the essence of the comment. They asked more questions about my qualifications, education, research I had done, etc… but the bottom line was – why should anyone listen to me? And that comment has sat with me for hours.

Until the answers (because there are multiple) started poking themselves around the blob that the comment had formed in my brain and on my heart and started crowding out the self-doubt and self-questioning that I was allowing this inconsiderate person’s careless comment to create.

So in the spirit of my own talk about “bragging” and to answer the question about why should someone listen, here are just some of my “qualifications”

  • 58 years of life experience – of all kinds, good and bad, easy and hard – but most importantly, a willingness to openly and honestly look at, own, and share the good, bad, easy, and hard.
  • 18 years of social, cultural, organizational, and world travel experience as a military brat – there are lessons from those years that still play a vital role in every aspect of my life. Plus, the world-class education, in and out of the classroom, that I got as part of that military upbringing.
  • 43 years of work experience – yes, I started working “real jobs” at 15 and that does not include the years of baby-sitting, bagging groceries, delivering newspapers, mowing lawns, and many other ways of earning money before that.
  • Climbing the corporate ladder from the mailroom to senior executive levels, owning 3 successful side companies, then leaving corporate life to start 3 more companies and a non-profit, while also volunteering for a wide variety of organizations.
  • Doing all of the above while many of you were sitting in a college classroom. No, I don’t have a college degree or an advanced degree. My “degree” was earned in industry certifications and on-the-job experience doing EVERY job on the rung of the ladder from the bottom up.
  • A self-education born of being a voracious reader and innately curious. I average reading more books in a week than many people read in a year and am always consuming news and information of all types. The picture above is what is on my nightstand currently, and yes, I am usually reading 3-5 at a time.
  • Knowing that even with my knowledge and experience I will never be an expert and will never know all there is to know, so it is incumbent on me to keep learning, keep listening, keep observing, and most of all to stay compassionate and empathetic.

So, how would you answer the question – why should someone listen to you? I encourage you to make your own list, do your own bragging, and be ready with your own answers for those moments when the self-doubt start creeping in. We all have something, usually many things, that make us worth listening to. Make sure yours are top of mind.

Welcome 2024

January 2, 2024 – I am smiling as I type that, reminiscing on days gone by when we would spend the first few weeks of a new year writing the wrong year on checks and documents.

I have spent many portions of my adult life trying to be a Resolution Person or an Intention Person, or a Goal Person. It has only been in the last few years that I have discovered that trying to be any of those = a Setting Myself Up to Fail Person. Those are not the things I am motivated by. Goals and Objectives are what I set for my business, not for myself. I finally discovered that what I needed to do each year was a two-fold examination – 1) what do I want/need to leave behind in the old year and 2) what is the theme to guide my new year?

By examining what I needed to leave behind, I am not passing judgement on anything. None of it is good or bad. Thus I am not good or bad for having done or not done it. It just was and just needs to no longer be. They are things I can endeavor to not continue to carry with me into the new year. These are things I may or may not choose to share with others. I may or may not choose to seek out assistance with accountability or support on leaving them behind. They may be small or large. They all had their place in the past year. They, for better or worse, served their purpose at the time. But, their time is done. It may take a while for them to make their exit. I am a Southern girl after all and we all know that Southern goodbyes take much longer than they should. But to these things, I say Farewell.

Which opens the door to the theme for my 2024 – Explore.

For anyone who knows me well, you are thinking, why of course, the woman who loves travel, explore, makes perfect sense. In this case, you are in for a surprise. 2024 will be a year of less travel for a variety of reasons. I will not be taking my long, meandering trips this year. My first grandchild will be capturing all of his loving and doting grandmother’s attention. Work and family will have me doing some traveling, but not like I usually do.

So, if I am not traveling, what do I mean by Explore? The journey is the destination in this case. I will be exploring…

  • who I am and what I want from the rest of my life
  • relationships of all kinds – reconnecting with friends and family, making new friends, strengthening ties, evaluating what I want and need from the relationships in my life
  • discovering new hobbies and deepening the ones I have
  • my spirituality, faith, and walk with God
  • new books, movies, and knowledge of all kinds
  • expressing myself in new creative ways
  • my health and how to best get healthy for me
  • my “neighborhood” – less long trips and more day and weekend trips
  • my work and how I fit into it and how it fits into the world now and in the future
  • wherever else the path of exploration takes me

So as 2024 begins, so also begins part of this exploration – this post. I want to write more in 2024. Cheers to all of you who can set a “I will write x every day” goal. That is not me. I will have a dedicated writing time because there is a book in me screaming to be finished, but as for other writing, it may be irregular. It will be when I have something to say and share. Because one thing being left behind in 2023 is the belief that no one wants to hear what I have to say. My knowledge, expertise, experience, heart, and soul are valuable and can be shared when I feel called to share. Whether anyone reads it or not is irrelevant.